Our Self-Improvement Surgery Stories!

Episode 45 January 20, 2020 00:48:40
Our Self-Improvement Surgery Stories!
The Mom Voice
Our Self-Improvement Surgery Stories!

Jan 20 2020 | 00:48:40


Hosted By

Sarah Bones Lauren Willis

Show Notes

Jan. 20, 2020 – In this episode the girls can't help but discuss ChampagneGate on this past episode of The Bachelor! Sharing their opinions and some favorites… these girls love Monday night TV!


They move on quickly to chat about Sarah's ongoing recovery from her PRK (eye) surgery. Similar to LASIK, this was the procedure Sarah qualified for. She still can't see 100% but she does share the emotional rollercoaster it has been thus far and hopeful thoughts on her results.


Lauren then shares about her self improvement surgery - her tummy tuck. After having twins, followed by another near 10lb baby, her stomach was ruined. Like so many moms can relate! She contemplated on surgery and did get a tummy tuck two years ago and shares all about the procedure and recovery.


The girls then close with their hits and misses - which includes an update on Lauren's dog Gus and one of them REALLY needing to get Christmas lights down!


Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at www.mom-voice.com for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday – so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Hey guys, welcome to the moment boys. This is Lauren and Sarah with episode 45. Okay. Lauren, I'm still blind three weeks post surgery. I know, I think we have many listeners really anxious to know. We've got to talk about it. I've shared a lot on Instagram weeks ago, um, that I had a similar procedure to LASIK done. And I'm finally going to give you the story and the rundown of my eye surgery. Spoiler alert. I am. Speaker 2 00:00:38 I'm gonna beat down. I'll be on it. I know I'm making her talk about it. I'm not even quite ready. I need to give a report. I really don't have a resolution yet. I've only probably got 75% of my like vision, I would say back in regards to light sharpness. And so I'm still kind of waiting, which is the worst. I'm the least patient per se ever. Right. So anyway, okay. Episode 45. Yeah. We're going to be talking about my eye surgery and then that might lead to some other like maintenance procedures we've kind of had on the brain, like, um, Botox, different injections. Um, and we'll never share my, yeah. I'll even share my surgery. Um, you know, fixer your little fixer that's right. Um, but before we do that and um, well, and let me say as always, we will wrap up with our hits and misses of the week, but before we jump into the eye surgery talk, we have to talk about the bachelor this week. Speaker 2 00:01:34 You mean champagne, champagne, gait. Oh my gosh. I actually just watched it last night. We finally did. I've been dying to hear what you think. I know. And I'm like three days late. Um, I don't know. It's so funny because I'd heard so much about it all week long. What's the, what's the brunettes name? Hannah and Hannah and okay. I didn't think she did anything wrong. I didn't, I did not think she was like malicious about it. I agreed. I would agree. I'm sure we both talked about it. We were, we probably assume a producer told her to go there. Well, hold on. Let's back up. Explain what happened in case somebody doesn't watch, watch or doesn't watch the champagne gate 2020 is, um, there's this gal. What's her name? Kelsey. Kelsey, Kelsey. I don't even know where she came from, Kelsey. I mean, she's pretty blonde. Speaker 2 00:02:21 I just don't remember her at any point so far, but she comes forward on guns. Blazing Rose ceremony night. She had brought a bottle of champagne from a home, something that was super special to her, saving it for a special moment with a special person. So she figured this was her time to shine. Did she go on a date this week, a group date or anything? I don't know. She had, yeah, no, she was the model, the modeling thing. But the week prior my ceremony, the week prior, I don't even know she had gotten a date in, so she really wanted to do this. Anyway. She sets up this bottle of champagne by the fireplace, a whole little thing, blankets. Well, hold on. And she had not seen or had time with him. Yes. That was the whole thing. She felt she had no time. Speaker 2 00:03:04 She needed to think she didn't go on a date. So she really had to hit it home, but I'm not sure. I think she was making this big deal. Like I have to make an impression, I have to do something special, blah, blah, blah. So she sets it up and then she kind of goes back to the group, waiting to kind of get her moment and steal them over. And the girls are sitting there and they hear a bottle pop and they're like, wait, no. Oh my gosh. And you kind of see, obviously on the side cameras, they go flash to them and Hannah and his walking, Peter halo. Let's sit here, they've got a bottle. Okay. And they pop it open and she immediately like, here's the popping Kelsey and like turns to tears and they're like, it's okay. It's probably not it's. Okay. Speaker 2 00:03:40 So then she walks around the corner and there's Peter in HANA and drinking her special bottle. And she kinda like snaps and yells at the couple. Oh my gosh. And then she walks away crying and Peter's like, wait, what? And so he falls her hand and was like, I'm sorry. I didn't know. They exchange a few words. I think the girls do. And she's like, I'm sorry. And she's like, you have no class. <inaudible> she's like, I did not know. So. Okay. And then finally she goes over with Peter and gets a moment and they find like a new little Ramada and bench with a new bottle and they sit down and this is the classic moment of television. Thus far, IB people are dare say, this is like the best moment of bachelor history. She goes and they're talking, they opened the bottle and she's like, can we drink in the bottle? Speaker 2 00:04:26 Share. She goes to drink it and chug like a little sip out of it pulls down. And it literally blows up in her face, like uploads in the eyes. And there's just no saving, no say hello. It was like classic classic, like crazy moment. It was like, it was almost like a Disney channel movie where the villain has like one thing bad happening after another we know stuff up. Yeah. You know, like home alone, there's like, he's getting hit with the broom or like, there's all kinds of the hot, the hot dog. All of it. It's like one thing after another, she was just getting like slammed with bad light. But I will say, okay. Couple things, because I think there was a question like, do you think they shook the bottle to like, make that happen? But it fell down. Yeah. It did big, what are you even call that box fell over. Speaker 2 00:05:16 And then it came back up and there was probably a bubble. Right. And so I think it was like an innocent, weird mishap, honestly, probably. And I agree with you. I think Hannah Ann was innocent too. I just think that either producers provoked it or they just came upon it. Cause I mean, proving right there, there's a net, another bottle of champagne, another bench to sit at. So it's kind of like it could have happened. And how are they going to know it was her special is I know, I kind of felt like that was weird. She'd leave it on attended to like, you know, there are 25 girls roaming around and a ton of alcohol. So it's like, eh, so I know it blew up literally in her face. I was bad, but I feel like she of deserved it. I did not like how she came and I'm not a huge Hannah whatever fan, but like I was kind of dying when she has so much makeup on contour, this and that, the extensions and the fillers and the eyelashes like she is done. Speaker 2 00:06:14 Right. And then Hannah Ann has like barely mascara on, yeah, she's super natural, short hair, like all this. And she's like, you are just fake. You are fake and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, uh, look in the mirror girlfriend. Right. And I don't even know Hannah. And I was like, you look so stupid right now. Right? Like you're gonna hate yourself. Right. You go back and watch this. I heard on, um, on the bachelor podcast, Rachel Lindsay hosts, you know, she was talking to Peter and she actually dare compared Hannah and to Luke P from last season. I remember crazy Luke P with Hannah. I didn't think he was that crazy. Not at first. And I don't think we think Hannah Anna, is that crazy yet. But she got the first impression Rose and started doing the stealing. And then in this episode you see her win a competition and kind of rub it in the faces. Speaker 2 00:07:02 The whole scandal was somebody, you know, confrontation already. And so I was like, and he and Peter really like brushed off. No, no, no. But I'm like, I don't know. I kind of see, like she could get a little crazy though. Hannah Ann comes off really cute. Sweet. But she's got a little devilish side to her. I can already tell. I mean, I think any woman you put them in that situation, they're all just turn in psycho. Clauser out. You're going to see the worst part of a woman in that environment, which is so unfortunate for Peter, because he's just literally like weeding through the crazy. Oh my gosh. And I know we've already talked about this too long, but I have to just say really quick, poor Victoria, the one who was so insecure on the runway date. Yes. She is such a beautiful girl. Speaker 2 00:07:46 And I just want to say to any single ladies out there listening, just have confidence. Boy. It is, it was just so sad to me. She was so insecure and like doubting herself. And I just, I, I'm not as pretty I don't ever get seen and this and that. And I was like, Oh, you know, no, I totally, I totally agree. Granted it took a lot of nerve to open up and stretch lingerie on the runway. So that kind of threw me a little bit. I'm like, is this like an act? Or she just really trying to be Darien here, like, Whoa. So, but I mean, and then, well, we won't spoil it if you haven't watched, but go watch it was duking it out between her and Hannah and really quick. I have to know. Do you know top four? No, I don't know spoilers. Speaker 2 00:08:26 I know. I know. Usually I do, but actually supposedly I had heard reality. Steve was like, no one knows the winner. No way. Yeah. It's supposedly this season somehow some way the winner is not known at this point is please don't do, let's not do spoilers this time. Okay. I will. I always high all do until literally I live finale. No, but usually it's just yep. Sound like no, no, no. And then premier night I'm like, okay, just tell me the final formal. Okay. Maybe the final three. Okay. I'll just sit there. Blah, blah, blah. So I I'm okay with that. I don't want to no spoilers. I know. I'm really curious. And she does have some great options. Yeah. Oh, super cute. Super cute. Okay. Well tell us your thoughts on the bachelor. If you're watching, let us know. Um, we are all about Monday night TV Watchers. Speaker 2 00:09:13 You know it well, yes, that's right. Um, okay, well let's jump right into my eye surgery. Say the letters again. P K now PRK, PRK. PRK. Why are going to say PKR but PRK. Okay. Oh my gosh. Everybody getting PRK PRK. So everybody like hardly anybody has heard of pier. Right. And yes, I have it. Everybody's heard of LASIK. Okay. So a few, well, let me preface this by saying I have been blind and by blind, I mean like I have perfect like closeup vision about like two feet in front of my face. And then after that it just gets like super blurry and it would be almost like colors and forms. Like I couldn't make out your face or anything like that. So, and it came on when I was in about seventh grade. So I've worn contacts since I was what, how old are you then? Speaker 2 00:10:05 14 or something? Yeah. Yeah. Like 12. Yeah. So anyway, I've had for a really long time and I like every year of my adult life, when I'm renewing my contact order, I'd be like, Oh, I'm going to get my eyes fixed. Cause it's just such a beat down like totally right. You have never worn them. But I do. I wore dailies. And so having to put them in every day, take them out at night and then you can't see it at night without your glasses. It's just so annoying. And so anyway, I finally was like, I'm going to do it. This is the year I'm 34 years old. I am going to go get my eyes fixed. So I do all my research on the surgeon, which I highly recommend you do. And I like finally decided upon one, go to the evaluation for him to tell me that I have a thin cornea. Speaker 2 00:10:51 Okay. Okay. So what does that mean? So within cornea is like the outer layer of your eyeball. It's like a clear layer, essentially that light protects your eye. And apparently you need a thicker cornea to be able to do LASIK light traditionally. So he tells me, well, you're not really a candidate for LASIK for you. We need to do something called PRK. And I'm like, Oh, that's weird. I've never heard of that. He was like, yeah, well, well, and to remind you, so with LASIK, they just cut a little flap. Like they cut a little thing, they open the cornea. Oh my gosh, the laser does its work, like reshaping your lens and stuff. And then they closed the flap and you're done within like 24 hours. Like apparently that layer reheal it heals itself within like 24 hours. It's incredible. So I've heard all of these stories for years and years leading up to the surgery of LASIK of people just being like, Oh yeah, I was back at work the next day or no problem, blah, blah, blah. Speaker 2 00:11:51 You know what I mean? A feedback that I even on her Instagram was like really great. So much feedback from people saying, do it, do it best thing I've ever done this, that, that. And so I go into it and I'm like, yes. You know? So he tells me, he's like, okay, you're going to have to have PRK. And the difference there is, instead of cutting that flap, they have to remove the whole outer layer of your cornea. Okay. So they literally take a blade like a microblade and they like, they cut off the top layer of your cornea. Okay. Yeah. And so that allows the laser, the same laser. That's like doing LASIK. It goes in and does its thing. And then instead of like closing the flat, they put this, um, contact lens on you to like, as a bandage kind of. Right. Speaker 2 00:12:37 And you wear that. I wore it for about six or seven days. Um, and so things are supposed to be healing under that contact lens. Okay. Okay. So let me just say my bad for not doing my homework on PRK on every no, no, no. I just, I think I'll be honest. Like my, it has been such an emotional journey for me. This is I'm three and a half weeks in now. And like I said, I'm still only probably 75% there. And I know sure. He told me in the evaluation, it's a longer recovery time. It's, it's longer than LASIK. You need to be prepared for that. But I don't think he, I'm not going to put it on the doctor. I did not hear it. How I should have heard it. I was just excited to get it done. Not like really thinking it could be six weeks. Speaker 2 00:13:31 You know what I mean? Six months, you mean? Well, he had said six weeks and then, but some people up to four to six months and I'm like, Oh, no way. It's 2020. You think the six weeks period was really what would apply here? I'll be honest. I was doing it the week of Christmas leading up to this. My life was just bonkers. It was just like, check the box. Let's go, go, go, go, go. I'm going to put it in, like do it the week of Christmas when my husband's home. I don't even think I thought about it like that much. Like how long? Right. I don't think, I thought, I think honestly in the back of my head, I'm like, it's 2020. How can anybody be blind electively for six weeks? Totally. In 2020. Right. Right. And so I just don't think, honestly, I know I did it and, and my husband like puts that on me every day. Speaker 2 00:14:21 He's like, you should have like done your homework better and like manage your expectations a little bit better. So for anybody considering PRK or LASIK? Absolutely. If you're a LASIK candidate go for it. I think I can already start to tell like it is going to be life changing because I think I've told you this, but there will be mornings when I wake up and it is crystal clear. Oh my God. And then it's the weirdest thing. Like a minute or two later, it will like fall back again into like a haze. Yeah. Yeah. It's super weird. And I don't know if it's like brain signals go on. I don't know what's happening there, but I will get these little glimpses of like vision and I'm like, Oh, okay. It's going to be worth it. So I do want to tell you, so that's kind of where I'm at right now. Speaker 2 00:15:08 Okay. I do want to kind of explain what the surgery's like in case anybody's kind of wondering. I totally. So they had also told me, cause I kind of get a lot of nerves, anxiety with medical stuff. Yes. And I had told the lady up front, I was like, look, I'm going to need something to like, relax me because you are awake. You are awake. You wonder narrow awake, coherent. Exactly. You're totally coherent. Someone's about to stab a knife in your night. They numb you and everything still. That's scary. Yeah. I don't know. And again, I think I had heard too many stories of like the sound and the burning smell and all of these things. Yeah. So I had told her, she was like, Oh yeah, yeah. We're going to give you a value them prior to the procedure, like no problem. So I'm like, Oh great. Speaker 2 00:15:53 Okay. No problem. So I show up that morning and I'm literally like sh like kinda shaky. I'm bouncy to the point where the nurse who's like triaging me, prepping me. She's telling like the doctor and stuff. Okay. She's, she's really nervous. You know, you need to vote. Okay. So I'm in the little preop room and literally like, she gives me my value and I'm thinking, okay, I've got about 30 minutes to let it sink in. Then we're going, he comes and gets me in like five minutes. Oh, shoot. Lays me down on that thing. You're not chilled yet. And I'm like, what's happening? Here we go. And the volume has not kicked in at all at all. Right. So I'm laying down in the chair. There's three people in the room, the surgeon, and like two attendance. And they're kind of like holding my hands and feet and kind of knocked down hard, but like soothing me. Speaker 2 00:16:45 Like it's going to be okay, you're doing great. You're doing great. And the doctor is, you know, prepping my eyes. So first they pour in these numbing drops that kind of numb the eyeball while they do numb the eyeball completely. Like I did not feel anything. And I will say that. And so he's like, okay, you're going to see a light. And I start to hear this clicking sound. And it's like, I'm trying to replicate it. But it's like, like, like a weird clicking sound. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, here it comes here. It goes, I have a full blown panic attack. So when you, yes, you have told me that. So when you say a panic attack, are you like kicking your leg? Screaming? Are you physically shouting? I can't breathe. I'm like, okay. I'm like trying not to move my body. And I'm like, I kept, I couldn't catch my breath. Speaker 2 00:17:32 I'm telling the doctor I can't breathe. And it was like working its way up. And then the second I hear this slight clicking sound. I like lost it. And like, Kenny stop. No, apparently they can't. When he went to the next eye, he was like, okay, I'm going to give you just a minute. Just calm down. It's going to be okay. It's literally 30 seconds. It does not tell you the whole thing. No one eye on the other. It's super fast. And that's all they do. 30 seconds on each. I think I'm like, this is such a blur. I think it was that fast. Yeah. Really majorly 60 maybe a minute each. Why was Holly super fast? Yeah. Oh my God. And the doctor was just like, you're doing and they were all talking me down. You're doing fine. But I can remember just like not having control of my body. Speaker 2 00:18:15 Like yes, I was so freaked out. Yeah. And so, and then as soon as I knew I was shaking, I was like, I'm gonna mess it up. Like, I'm going to move in the laser. I think the saying, you know what I mean? Yeah. And the freaking value, if it would only have kicked in. So anyway, so I sit up, it's all done. I sit up and for the first time, like when I first look up, I remember looking at the clock and everything was crystal clear. Oh really perfect. Okay. Oh, and then the weirdest. So then they like walk me out and I'm like calming down a little bit. He sits, he sits you down and he examined your eyes and he goes, okay. I know you think you screwed this up. I know you're stressing out that you moved and you messed it up, but you didn't. Speaker 2 00:18:58 I promise we got everything correct. It looks great. You're going to be great. And I was like, okay, okay. That's really all I remember. Cause then the value of kicked in and you're out of it at that point, they kind of like give you your instructions and your sunglasses. And honestly you go home and sleep for days, honestly. Wow. So my experience, like I said, the PRK is pretty terrible. I'll be honest because you have that contact in and it burns and it itches for a solid three days. And this is like a healing contact, like a bandaid fueling, contacting for your eyeballs. I've never scratched my cornea, but a lot of people who I talked to who have done that. Yeah. They kind of compare it to that. So I don't know. It's like uncontrollable watering and it just burns. It's like a burning and you just want to call your eyes out. Speaker 2 00:19:51 It's just horrible. And so again, it was like an emotional thing because I think if I would have been prepared for it, like, okay, I'm going into a week of pure hell. Yes. You know? And here's the other thing, Lauren, and I've said this to you so many times, but I did not even think, but there's literally like nothing you can do to by the time you totally, you don't think about that when you can't see, you can't look at your phone, you can't watch TV. You can't read a magazine. Like there is nothing. Okay. And so you're lit and you're not sick. It's literally like you're there and you're fine and healthy, but you just can't see. Oh my gosh, that's so depressing. It's a very weird state to be totally. It was like really weird and really, really hard for me because like I said, it was Christmas, Christmas. Speaker 2 00:20:39 That's why I was worried about that. My husband's heart. Like I, I'm still so glad I did it over Christmas because he is so busy with his job and he was home and he like took over with the kids and like did all the things. And so I'm grateful for that. But yeah, I would just say to anybody, like just do your homework and like, make sure you have the expectation of like, this is not a quick thing and it's going to hurt a lot, but totally gets better. Totally. So that's all I'll say. And I'll give you an update as soon as I can see a hundred percent, I'll let you know. Cause yeah, you've been back in the gene. I thought this would be faster than saying yeah, you just have to get time. I couldn't drive for about two weeks. Like at all. Speaker 2 00:21:22 Now I can only drive during the day. I can't drive at night so hard. Yeah. It's super hard. The lights are like really halo Louie and bright and everything. And so I don't know. We'll see. It's probably not super safe that I'm driving right now. Like I can see, but I can't read like the sciences. You just need to know where you're going. They didn't tell me it's you have legal eyesight to drive. And I was like, okay, well that's scary. Isn't that scary? All the old kind of that. Oh my God. That's crazy. But, um, but yeah, so that's, that's the update. And if any of you have any questions about it or you're debating it, let me know I've done all the reading now. Right? My gosh. Don't you think? And so, um, I'd be happy to tell you anything about it, so, okay. Speaker 2 00:22:07 That's my experience. My gosh. Well done. You'll be so glad she did it though. I mean, in due time, it's just a long drawn out. It's a really long process. And now I'm jumping into my leg surgery, which I won't go into right. From all of my beautiful babies. I have really bad varicose veins in my right leg. Oh my gosh. Yeah. They hurt me every single day. And I'm finally getting them fixed this next month. That seems really intense as well. And it's going to be a 10 week journey to get it all fish and I'll report on that and a couple months. Um, but it's just like what these, what these children do do is their bodies. They put us through, Oh my God. You need to tell us your experience. Yeah. It's funny talking about surgery. Surgery has been very, um, very prominent in both of our lives. Speaker 2 00:23:03 Like recently we just saw a lot of things. And so it's just funny to talk about, but when I really stop and think about it, I've had a handful of surgeries actually over the years, I was, I thought, you know, I should share with our listeners, I've had, I had a tummy tuck and I just thought I should talk about it because I mean it, the twins, my twins really just did a number on me and my belly just never could like as much as I could exercise or diet or whatever, my stomach was just never going to be the same. So many women go through that though. And didn't you have that thing where the muscles like separate it up, what it was called. So I could refer to the term, you're probably nodding with me, you know what I'm talking about, but it's kind of where around the belly button, like your AB muscles are pretty much so like yeah. Speaker 2 00:23:48 Stretch that they're just there's exercises and things to try to help in some people can kind of gain some sort of repair, but some of it's just, Oh, see, I thought it was like unrecoverable. Most, I, you know, a lot of times it is, but there are exercises. Like if your surgery is off the table for you, like there are some exercises you can do to try to strengthen and re kind of, I don't know if they'll ever be attached per se, but, um, yeah, so I got a tummy tuck. Um, I guess it's been two and a half years now. Oh my gosh. And I know, and I mean, when I went into the surgeon, he said, I remember him saying my belly, but it, me I'm saying first before my belly button was really different, like forever, I kind of had, um, always like, yeah, I guess I've always had an any, but like, and it was still kind of in any, but it had this part that kind of stuck out in the middle of it. Speaker 2 00:24:41 And it just felt like I had this like little donut around my belly button, like these that are cushiony, just stretch skinny. Like it wasn't even just skin. It was just this like donut of like pillow that I, I don't know if I'd ever be able to flatten out with the kids, like push the pillow and you know, and it's just like, okay, too many stretch marks. But like I had some, I fortunately have like clear stretch marks on my stomach. Do you have stretch marks at all? I'm I'm that annoying person that just never got him who has zero stretch marks. Yeah. I honestly think it's a genetic thing. Cause my mother doesn't and because I legit Lauren, how big did I get with Kate? You'll be honest. Sure. You gained. Yeah. I gained 65 pounds with my key moment in the time you don't see, I don't even think I never looked at you like, Oh my God, she's cute. Speaker 2 00:25:32 She's lying. She really didn't. It was your first baby girlfriend. First time I'd seen you pregnant. I never thought, Oh, she's ginormous. I thought and knit, but looking back at pictures and then you got super skinny afterwards, like sure. We could be like, Oh wow, you did get big. Like you weren't bloated. Like whatever. But when you're in it, even for me, when you're in it, you just almost don't realize how big you are. And then you like to step on that scale. And you've seen numbers you've never seen before. And you're just like, Holy cow, this is so crazy. But you know, we all been there and that's something that annoying 25 pounds in some games of 60 pounds gags 25 pounds. You know who you are, not just, I'm kidding. It's not people just have like better our natural genetic. Some people are really dedicated. Speaker 2 00:26:18 And my whole point in saying that though is my, my skin has stretched big right over the years. Lucky. And I have no idea why I don't. I have. And I think if it weren't for the twins, I probably wouldn't have with my first I had nothing. And then like, I think the twins just like did, do give you did do a number on me. And so it just like gave me, cause most of my sisters don't either. But, um, so anyways, when I did go into the doctor, he did say like, this is just something you can't work off. Like, this is just like, your stomach muscles are in there, like floating around in that tissue. It's like, you know, your belly buttons all pulled and blah, blah, blah. So, you know, we decided to go for it. And um, and it is pretty gnarly what they do like to understand, like what a tummy tuck in ball, right. Speaker 2 00:27:03 It's been a long time to get down for me. So pretty much what they do is they, I had had one C-section so they went along my C-section scar, my one twin, um, M a M it was an emergency C section. And so I didn't have like the prettiest scar. It was fine, but it was kind of, it's a little curved. It's not straight, but that's what they went off of to use that for the tummy tuck. So they went straight across and it is a pretty gnarly scar cut. I mean, we're talking hip to hip. Okay. So understand that first, if this is anything in anybody's realm or you just always been curious or you think maybe in the future, so you will have a scar from hip to hip. And so they cut that and they were, they, what they really do is they pull the skin down. Speaker 2 00:27:48 Oh, it goes down, poles it down, and then they cut it off. But what about the belly button? Belly button. So the belly button shapes of recuts it. Oh, I thought they cut around it or something sealed it up. Well, yes they do cut. Like, because the actual, like I should know my technical terms, but you know, we all have that in bill cool, whatever where the court actually attaches. So you do have a spot where it's like going to be like on your body. There's just no way that's your anatomy. So they do, but they pull the skin down and then they cut like a new one around that and billable parts and they kinda reattach it to that. Got it. So they, they did essentially create me a whole new belly button, because like I said before, I've always had an any, but this one, like once after the twins and then Caleb also, like, I should say preface, um, it was like crazy because when I had my last pregnancy, my third pregnancy, Caleb, I literally like just resumed form. Speaker 2 00:28:44 She was one baby, but I literally gained as much weight and literally was as big as I was with the twins and it was depressing and ridiculous, but I just, like, it was almost like I had gone out with a bang, like he's my last, I don't even care. Which was the very wrong attitude to have. I just literally like, it's almost like my body was like, you were this big, this is just how big we're going. And it was like, I had a ginormous belly for Caleb. He was 11 days late and it was just all stretched and pulled one more time. So we just like, those two combined was just, Oh my gosh. But then your fourth pregnancy too. Yes, I did have that miscarriage I've talked about. And that was like a night I blew up so big at 20 weeks. I was so showing because it was like, my stomach just was so like stretched. Speaker 2 00:29:31 It's like, Hey, you're you have amniotic fluid again, let's just resume a form to six months. And it really was like, I looked like I was six months pregnant when I was like 20 weeks, I guess it's almost six months. But like, I just was so big and pregnant even just halfway through. And so, um, but when the surgeon, yeah, so they, he, we were ready. We committed, we did it. It's, it's pretty crazy. And so yet the skin feels a little tight at first because it, well, it's pretty tight. And I was nervous about that. I'm going to jump in. I can remember that. Like the night before you went in, you saying I'm really worried about feeling like too tight and I can't, I'm not comfortable in my own body. Like, it'd be too tight of a tight. I kind of heard like these freak stories of like, like, not that I can even do like a backbend, but like, if you ever wanted to do some yoga thing and you're doing like bend back, bend, if some stuff like that, your stomach just doesn't pull that way anymore because it's such a tight skin. Speaker 2 00:30:24 Oh my God. No, I will say with comfort, like it's funny, your stomach is no joke. Like numb. My stomach was literally numb for probably the first year. Like you, I could, I, you could touch my tummy. And like, I could feel like on this skin, but like, there was still a very heavy numbness to my stomach for a long time. And the doctor said that's normal. It's like the nerves have to reattach and re like fix themselves. Like we adjust to where they are now. And so now it's totally different. I would say it's been two and a half years. It's like a hundred percent fine. But there was like a year that like, if my husband touched my stomach, it just felt like weird. You know, when your legs are numb or something or your arms asleep or something, it's just that weird feeling. Speaker 2 00:31:07 Oh, my stomach felt like that forever. You have never told me that. No, I'm sure. Oh, I surely thought no. Oh, for sure. So that's a weird sensation that comes with it. You have that scar. And I would say just barely, some people scar differently than others. I've seen one of my friends scars from it and it literally is just like paper thin, the clearest littlest line ever. Mine's not so much that way. I don't know if it was my skin, my surgeon, how I heal, but mine is a little thicker and it's been kind of like the pinky purple color for a long time. I would say it's just a barely starting to kind of like naturally go into more of like a flesh tone, which I can't wait till it blends a little more. Um, I'm so used to it, but it is like, it's a scar, you carry forever and it's a big one. Speaker 2 00:31:56 And if you do wear bikinis, you really have to be, you know, cautious of that. Like maybe talk to your surgeon again, they're going off of my C-section scar. So it was just kind of like they did what they had to do. And so, but all in all, like, I think it healed really nice. Well, okay. And obviously like you're totally put to sleep for that. You're fully under an anesthesia recovery. Tell us what the recovery was. You're down and out for 10 days. It's like a C-section um, maybe even dare I say a little more extensive, just because like you're talking so much skin was removed. Like I said, the nerves, the scar is so big. Like it it's pretty involved. So I would give yourself for sure, a grace period of like 10 days down there in that you're pretty like mobile, just sore and fragileness. Speaker 2 00:32:47 Was there any like, um, restrictions, like, yeah, definitely. No, I waited till Caleb. Caleb was at least two. Yeah. Yeah. He was at least two years old. And we had obviously like, we'd had that miscarriage about, about a year before and I, it was us deciding, okay, we're done having a baby. Like, I will admit the idea of getting pregnant after the tummy tuck. It's terrifying for multiple reasons. The money's spent a B this skin, the idea of that skin, because the elasticy yet he lost his CD of it all again, like it's so like granted, like, you know, now I do feel like two and a half years in, like, if I eat a full meal and I just like, you know, joking burrito, baby, and all that, I do feel like I can blow a little bit more now than I used to before. Speaker 2 00:33:38 It just nothing new. I mean, it was just, what do you call that when it's like, Oh my gosh, a washboard out, like literally washboard. Like it was just flat and solid and that toilet. Yeah, it is. And like, there's nothing that's going to budget. I feel like there's a little bit more, let me ask the obvious question when they're doing it. Do they take out like fat? And so, yeah. So what they do is they pull that skin down and then they cut it off. And then they're so at to the bottom path, part of your skin, your pelvic areas, skin. And so that like fat and tissue and skin is removed. No, but they're not taking like anything inside. It's just like, Oh, you absolutely can light Bo you too. Um, I know that they did a little bit of light bulb because like I said, I had this doughnut around my stomach, my belly button. Speaker 2 00:34:23 So if you like envision my belly button, the donut goes upward. So it's like kind of a little bit higher. So that think of how far down that has to come to remove that fatty tissue, those stretch marks from that donut. And so even now it's funny, right above my scar. And like on my pelvic line, there is a little bit of stretch marks and I laugh because those are stretch marks that were literally like under my, you know, under my boobs, like up top now they're down low. And so, I mean, you would literally have to cut way too much to like perfect it. So it's, I mean, way better, way, way, way better than it was, but you can still see a few natural stretch marks that those ones at the very bottom of my underwear line used to be at the top of my tummy. Speaker 2 00:35:03 That's how much they remove. It's kind of crazy when you think about it and so incredible, incredible. It really is fascinating that, and then now, like I said, I really feel like my skin is pretty much a hundred percent back. Like, I feel like if I was able to, I could do a backhand spring or walk over or something right now back bend. And I do feel like I totally have feeling the scars looking a lot better, but like, I mean, two and a half years, that's a long time. So for people to feel like, kind of totally a hundred percent, again, I feel like you gave yourself at least 18 months, almost that two year Mark, and you're really feel good, but you look great from the get go. No, that, I mean, and like some people think the recovery is really hard. I think I'm just a little bit like I've had a C section. Speaker 2 00:35:47 I've had my tonsils out, like stupid little things along, not stupid, but like things along the way that like prepared me for it. So I wasn't like, Oh, that was like, I would never do it again. I would, I ate is rough for the few days, but I would totally do it again. And like, and you're just, and really you're not going to gain a belly back. Like they say, like the tissue is different and like, you won't really gain. I mean, unless you went and gained a hundred pounds, you're not going to really gain that five or 10 pounds back into your tummy. It's kind of gone, gone, gone. So it's pretty crazy. But because of that, I do notice my weight going. Other places, it distributes a little differently. And I do notice a little bit more love handles sometimes if I'm not, you know, if I'm gaining. Speaker 2 00:36:28 And so it's funny because it's different. Oh my gosh, my stomach was never one of my zones and tell the twins. Like I always gained in my button hips. And so for me to have anything in my stomach was so different for me, so unusual because I just never, that was never a zone for me. So it feels so much better, but I know it's crazy. I'm just, so it's just funny. Like we're in the stage of life, I know like just like a higher maintenance and you hate to be high maintenance, but it is like a higher maintenance as we get into climb into our mid thirties and Oh my gosh, approaching 40. There's just things you never thought about or never thought you would do. I never, in a million years would I thought I got a tummy tuck? I'd be like, Oh, just deal with it or whatever. Speaker 2 00:37:11 A little bit of sag. Okay. But I never, ever would've thought I would have done that. Right. Um, I mean, I'm so glad I did. I feel very confident, comfortable in my choice. I own it, but like it is, it's just crazy. The things you consider as you, well, this week, like right now, I am considering doing Botox for the first time. And I know a ton of you out there do it in your twenties. I know a lot of people who do it in their twenties and I just preventative, you know, because I think when I was in my twenties or even my teens and I heard the word Botox, like I've literally thought it meant like a 55 year old. Like you're getting like a facelift, like you're crazy and vain. And so, and I did not understand what Botox was. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:55 What do you think? You know, I I'm like, I I'll be honest. Like I am just nervous about like the pain, but I know so many people do it. I need to just jump in and try it. And I'm just worried like, Oh, I'm going to be the one case that like is weird on, or it's going to mess up my eyebrows or I'm going to like forever have some problem. I don't know. So I don't want to be the one freak scenario where something happens where I'm like, so that's where my weird, what zone are you thinking? Like kind of feel like you need it. I was thinking doing, I don't even know, like maybe my forehead and like crow's feet area. Yeah. Anything. Yeah. But, um, no, my big thing I'm really, really wanting. And I've been saying it for years that you have, and Lauren's like, no don't is lip injections. Speaker 2 00:38:43 Yeah. And I don't mean huge at all. I'm talking like, just a little bit of like little bit of plump. I tell you this all the time. My mom continually asks did surrogate. Her lips done Sarah, but she does. She does all the time. And I'm like, no, she's just got good lips. No, no. And I'm not one to way like discourage anyone from doing anything that they want to do. But Sarah does have very good stop, but she's talked about this for years. I really have. And I'm like, I just want a tiny bit, I don't know. I need to either like crap or get off the pot with it. I think it can be done so conservatively where you feel really good. I feel like for some reason, and again, I'm not one to preach or like judge at all, but like lip fillers is the one thing that I feel like is super modus noticeable. Speaker 2 00:39:28 It is like, and noticeable. And like, there's just like, it's either like the slightest little bit of fill or there's just like, it's very obvious that you do it because they're not with that because they're not natural. I mean, it's really not. It's like eyelash extensions. They're not natural. They look we're used to them now, but like, nobody's born with these crazy eyelashes. You know what I mean? Right. I don't know. I'm just like in this phase, but I don't want to look like, yeah, I don't know if you know, they're only six months, like yeah. Wears off. So you should give it a go. And if you don't like it, they'll go away more to come. You guys, if any of you have had lip injections, share your stories, DME on Instagram. Totally. And let me know because I'm so on the fence, there are days where I'm like, yes, I'm going to book it right now. Speaker 2 00:40:11 And then there's days like, no, you don't need to do that. Like that's being vain or whatever. Do you have any fear about it? Or you just like, Oh, I don't want to spend the money. I'm afraid. I'll look weird. And like, it'll look weird on me. And in what way? I don't know. Like just, just different. Yeah. You'll just feel different. Yeah. I don't totally. Okay. Well we're coming up on time and we haven't done our hits and misses. So we could talk about this now. It's just crazy. Like I said, we're like, I mean, we like to look good. We'd like to feel good, but really we're not like to like self-absorbed yet. I know most of you're rolling your eyes later. You gotta tell me Takoma. But like, it is just funny. Like I said, our, my brain has just evolved and I don't think it's, I really don't think with myself, at least it's not social media. Speaker 2 00:40:58 It's not what other people are doing. It's not either. I just think with age, I feel like we have, like, if we're challenged me, it's like, it's there, it's affordable. It's somewhat affordable. It's it's available. Why not? Right. Like, I don't want to like be 60 and trying to look like I'm at 30. I wish I would have liked the Botox is so preventative for wrinkles. Like, you don't want to be 16 and be like, dang, I should have done that. I wouldn't have such harsh lines or whatever. Like, Hey, if I can extend like a no wrinkle, look for five years or whatever, like for sure. Totally. Um, okay. Because, well, funny enough, do you forever see, your mom is like a 40 year old in your head. Yes. Yes. Well, your mom lives here so, well, it kind of like shifts. Like I forever thought of us as like 22 and her is like 50 or 48, let's say. Speaker 2 00:41:50 And I was like, Oh, forever 21. Now I'm psych shifted up to like, Oh, I will forever feel 28. And she's like, you know, 54, but yeah. Now she's in her sixties and that's like so weird to me. Well, it's so funny because I don't live by my mom and I will forever think of her as like a 40, 45 year old woman. Right. Just cause like that's cadets, like yeah. It was like stuck in time, right there. And I'm like, so I want my look for my kids to be good when they think of me. Totally. Yes. That's so true. Okay. Let's jump in. Two are hits and misses. So what was your hit of the week? Uh, well, funny enough, I had to be out of town for two days this week and I had just some free time. My husband was tied up and so, um, the kids weren't with me. Speaker 2 00:42:35 And so I just had some time on my hands and I randomly went into Walgreen's and I saw don't laugh at me, but there was the Christmas stuff was all in clearance still. You know, we're like a month later here, they're giving it away. Like literally. And they had a bunch of their like toys. Oh my gosh, you guys, this is like the frugal and me. And I was like, Oh my gosh, these are great. These should be a horror for a jail. So literally you guys. So I think again, I have like the day was free and so I went to this Walgreen's and I grabbed like two or three things. This lady in front of me literally cleared out the shelves and there was like, well stuff, rat stalls and these like name, brand toys. And I was like, yeah, dang. I just like missed it all 80% off. Speaker 2 00:43:19 So it's like two bucks. Oh my God. So she literally dang it. So I got like three or four things and then I'm like, I'm going to go check out another Walker. Yeah, you did. But I went to two more Walgreens to see what they had on their 80% toy aisle from Christmas. And I just stocked up for a few months, you guys, for the birthday parties. And I was even thinking like, Valentine's day your baskets, all the things I'm like, I am stocking up. So I actually felt like, again, again, we talked about this months, months ago, you know, it's not always ideal if you don't need it. So I probably went a little bit too over, but like I was, I was like, yes, this is for, and I got it. Oh my gosh. That's so classic. You check your Walgreens nodded out. Speaker 2 00:44:05 Okay. So my hit this week is okay. If you've been a long time listener, you know, I'm kind of like the sleep Nazi with my children. Like yeah. I'm hardcore, like no sleeping in the bed, go to bed on time, all that stuff. Okay. So like three nights ago, um, Luke randomly, he's my two and a half year old. My baby. Um, he started like kind of not crying, crying, but kind of crying at like 5:00 AM or something. It was like pitch black, dark. And I don't know, I brought him into bed with us, which I like never do. I would usually put him back to bed like Sue. Then I brought him in bed and like, girl, he just laid on me and like cuddled me. And at one minute he's a kisser. Okay. He leaned up and gave me a kiss on my cheek and I thought my heart was going to explode. Speaker 2 00:44:54 I'm not even kidding. So I was sitting there like pitch black at night. My husband's like snoring next to me and me and my Luke are just having this moment. And I'm like, you're in my last baby. I'm going to let you sleep in this bed with me. Yeah. Awesome. It was so sweet. And I just like soaked it up and he was just like, so sweet and cuddly. And I was just like, can you do this every night? Oh no. The thing is, that's funny. I'm exactly thinking literally like a week ago, you know, I'm rolling my eyes because I'm like, I think I have, I mentioned trust in his sleep stuff in here. I don't know. Let's go into another night. My oldest has some sleep stuff like varieties. So he'll come into our room sometimes and get me. But then my, my four year old were follow and I'm always like rolling my eyes every morning, George, I'm over it. Speaker 2 00:45:44 We cannot add. He's like he says, you know what? They're not going to do that for very much longer. And you're going to miss it, having a little one come see, can I lately, can I sleep with you? And I did think, yeah, you're right. This is such a short phase. And it won't last forever. And it is sweet to an extent. I don't want an elbow in my back anymore. I'm like so cute. So true. Okay. What was your miss? My miss was, Oh my gosh. Actually today, um, my, my dog is like regressing in his potty. Trained know that to be true a little bit, but we had a few accidents inside today and like, just with like stuff going on this week and things, I just was not in the mood for it. And I was just like, dang it. So I like throw them outside every time they say to kind of like put their face in it and make them like rare and know, and I put them outside and I was just like, are we for real? Speaker 2 00:46:34 I don't have time to be cleaning this stuff up. It is so funny because it's like, I'm so beyond the baby stuff, but then yet I'm having this baby puppy do stupid things. Sometimes I really don't have much to complain about. I don't like he hasn't like ruined anything or chewed up furniture or something crazy. We stay on him pretty good. But like, yeah, they surprised me and I was like, shoot. Oh my God. So got it a little bit. Oh yeah. What about you? Him? So mine is like really silly, but it is a total mess of the moment. Were those people in the neighborhood who still have their Christmas lights up and it's January 17th? No, I'm just kidding. I don't want to have like a pass all of January super long. I agree. And that's like a super long time. I do feel like you kind of have, well, we're going into February girl. Speaker 2 00:47:22 Like no people get it. Do I had it down? I got everything removed like out of my bushes, but they're still on my house. And I'm like, yeah, I refused to do that. Like, my husband will be the one to do that. Did it. We talked about that. Yes. And that was hard work. He's going to be the one to get his butt out there and take a bleach. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm literally having a standoff about it. And I said to him last night, are you going to take the lights down anytime soon? Totally. And he was like, mom, I guess this weekend I live. So anyway. So were those people and it's my ms. For sure. Okay. I'll give you that. Yeah. Sorry if you're a neighbor we're working on it. <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:48:03 Well, that will do us for this episode. Um, as always, if you don't mind leaving us a rating and a review, wherever you listen, especially iTunes that would really help us out. We really appreciate it. And you can find us on all the socials at the mom, boys podcast or on Instagram quite a bit throughout the week. And we'd love to chat with you. Absolutely. Um, so yeah, from give us a shout out and we will be back with a new episode next week. All right. Thanks guys. Bye bye.

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