"Bachelor" Peter's Premiere & the Most Common Food Storage Mistakes

Episode 44 January 13, 2020 00:46:32
"Bachelor" Peter's Premiere & the Most Common Food Storage Mistakes
The Mom Voice
"Bachelor" Peter's Premiere & the Most Common Food Storage Mistakes

Jan 13 2020 | 00:46:32


Hosted By

Sarah Bones Lauren Willis

Show Notes

Jan. 13, 2020 – In this episode the girls kick off with a quick review of the season premiere of The Bachelor. With former Bachelorette Hannah Brown returning and confessing her love for Peter, both Lauren and Sarah were majorly disappointed! Sarah even gets heated thinking that Hannah was being tacky and showing up for attention. Lauren worries it will sabotage his feelings and the entire season!

Lauren then reveals the headlines of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle removing themselves from senior roles in the Royal family! Every day since recording new details have been emerging and as you know the tea is hot with this subject!

The girls then dive into their main topic, home food storage! What can go where and for how long!? Both women were surprised with some of the information and will be breaking some old habits. Great information with all our new diets in the new year, how to properly store meats and produce in your kitchen! As always, they then wrap up the episode with this week’s hits and misses.

Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at www.mom-voice.com for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday – so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:09 Hey guys, welcome to the mot voice. This is Lauren and Sarah with episode 44. Okay. Lauren, I'm dying to get your opinion on this. Did you know you are not supposed to be stealing peanut butter in the fridge? Yes. I ended that you did know that I never put peanut butter in the fridge. What's going on in the cupboard or the pantry? The pants. Really? What about butter? Butter, butter. I know it can be on the shelf or on the counter, but I do both. I had store bought and not an open, um, butter tray than I put in the fridge. Okay. Absolutely. Well, this episode we are going to be talking about, um, like some food storage, mistakes. We're probably all doing really common ones. Um, my husband and I, we had a small little debate discussion about this the other day led me to Googling it. Speaker 1 00:01:02 Okay. And, um, yeah, I didn't know. For some reason I always did store my peanut butter in the fridge and I found out you're not your, it's not that you're not supposed to, but you don't. Do you use natural peanut butter? No. Now that is the exception to the rule. Funny enough. Cause I feel like I do see natural peanut butter in the fridge a lot. Yes, exactly. If you do opt for the more expensive, like high end organic stuff, it does go in the fridge. Okay, good. Okay. Well, before we do that, um, I just want to welcome everybody here. Um, if you haven't yet, please go leave us a rating and a review on iTunes or wherever you might listen. Um, it really does help us gain our following and um, we really appreciate it. And then also make sure you subscribe that way. Speaker 1 00:01:50 You're for sure getting updates when we publish new episodes. Um, and as always you can find us and talk with us on social media at the mom boys podcast. Um, we love interacting with people on there. Absolutely. And so you can find us there. Um, so the rundown for this, um, episode, we, we just kind of have to talk about the bachelorette. Yes we do. I'm sorry, actually, the bachelor, but it was kind of the bachelorette this premiere episode. If you watch, she kind of hijacked his episode. Oh my gosh. I'm so annoyed. So we're going to talk about that really quickly. And then where we are, we're going to jump right into like common food storage mistakes that we might be doing. I think it's the new year. We're all starting, hopefully help the eating clean out the fridge. And so, um, we have some like really helpful, interesting things regarding food that you may not have heard before. So stick around for that. Um, and then as always, we're going to wrap up the episode with our hits and misses of the week. Yes. Okay. Well, let's dive right in girl. So, so to be honest, I fell asleep through an hour of Speaker 2 00:02:59 The bachelor premier. So Lauren's going to lead our discussion. I know it's, uh, we, we had heard, well, first of all, it's three hours and you know, Emily, my sister is an avid reality reader. And so she loves a spoiler. She loves knowing the ending before it even happens. But he had announced that this three hour premiere was like crazy. And unlike anything we've seen and like, we continue to say Sarah, it is crazy that every season there is new elements that we've never seen before. Oh my God. Why? Well, because they're launching it up and it's becoming more raunchy and more it's it's that. But I mean like the Colton jumping the fence was insane last season, her getting dumped or dumping her guy and final Rose, it's like elements that we've just not seen new things at that I think are genuine and real. Speaker 2 00:03:53 See, that's where we disagree. I do think you a lot of you folks, but I do think they are real things. I think a lot of it is produced. Oh, I think a lot of it's produced and provoked again, like back in Colton season, they brought Cassie's dad out to break up with him and make it happen. They did not think he'd run after her and only her and put the show for her. And same thing with last season. I think she picked Jed totally intentionally thinking this is a happy ending to just have them dig up. Yeah. Well he really does have a girl, blah, blah, blah. And it spit back in her face. So this season on the premiere you saw the first, the first three or four minutes was the ending of the season, which we've never had like, like the dramatic ending right off the bat edited. Speaker 2 00:04:38 I don't remember. It was like really weird. I didn't even know what was happening at first. They're in the desert and he's like, laying down was like, why is this happening? So again, we're going to have some twist at the end, but then it dies right into the season. Um, and you know, to write to the, um, introductions, Amanda and the mansion. And, um, we do see Hannah right there up front for quick, you know, three or four minute, like passing the torch. Good luck. I'm bringing you your wings back. And I was totally fine with that. Spoiler alert here on this review. This is Sarah talking. Yes. I was heavily annoyed at Hannah, like furious period. You know, stop listening if you want to watch still. Yes, no, it is super refreshing. I was even bothered. She came because only because it's like, this is still fresh for him. And it's like, I get, she was just sending one wishes at to an extent, but she, I mean, she dumped him and went to number one in the number two. And like he had a lot of feelings for her. I just thought, I don't know, there's the pot. I was okay with the mansion visits, like tasteful. It was tasteful towards the wings back, all this stuff. But what transcribed later on in the episode was bizarre and not necessarily okay. Not, not. Okay. Speaker 1 00:05:58 No. So if so, go ahead and tell us, keep recapping what happened? Speaker 2 00:06:02 Well then they just go on, um, the first night and, um, and just a little shout out. We had a Mesa Arizona local on there that, um, this gal Jane, we didn't get to see much of her, but she's an Arizona girl, but yeah. So we flash forward to these do, since it's a three hour, they go right into the dates, they do their first group date and then they do, um, a single day. And the last group date is Hannah reappears. And we're just like, right. And she gets up there and gives us a little monologue about their windmill experience. I was just like, so tacky. So annoying. Well, tell people what that was, was just like, you know how the four times and the windmill, she like kind of like explains that. And he continued to surprise me one, not two but three and even four times. Speaker 2 00:06:48 And I was just like ed, poor Peter and poor girls, poor girls having to sit there and listen to that. And then she's like, the date was like this challenge of like, let's, you're going to share a sex sexual experience in front of an audience. I'm like, Oh, this is so stupid and so weird. And yeah, it is raunchy and awkward. But then behind the scenes is the girls go off to kind of think about it right there, things, um, Hannah's crying in the background, producers, you kind of hear them talking Peter approaches there and they just have this full out. Like, I don't even know, like confessional come heart to heart. We're like, no, no, no, this is so not fair. I feel like she sabotaged him and his, his season he's she's tainting the whole beginning of the season. Right. Speaker 1 00:07:34 She looks pathetic. First of all, hopefully what pissed me off so much. And what made me feel like she was doing that. Okay. So many things. Let me just speak my piece for a minute. Yeah. I feel like it's so disingenuine. However you say that, that she waits until the cameras are turned on to make contact with him and to tell him these feelings and all of that. When there have been weeks and weeks and weeks up to this point that she should, she could have contacted him. I said, even acknowledged California now moved right down the street from me. Why haven't you call it? So to me, red flag, number one, number two, I feel like the fact that she did not wipe her makeup off her face, she was literally black mascara rolling down her cheeks the entire time they're having this conversation as drama as possible on campus though. I'm like, come on, like you are being such a media whore right now. Like just for the cameras. I can't handle it. And just all of it. I'm so tainted by these people who on the bachelor bachelorette, they come on as such sweethearts and like country girls and all of that. And then through the whole experience, I feel like it changes them Speaker 2 00:08:48 While she's on dancing with the stars as this whole thing is going, she's filming, dancing with the stars. You know, this is filmed few months ago. So it's just so sad and unfortunate because I feel like Peter did mention, like, you never asked me out, you asked Tyler out, like why? And you know, you could tell that this was a very like sensitive, genuine subject for him or him or him. And she he's the freaking bachelor with 10 women outside waiting for him. And she's just giving him mine trips and games and emotional just mess. If she truly cared about him, she says to herself, okay, I screwed up. He deserves to be happy. I need to step out. I need to step out. Absolutely not make his first date about me, about me. I know everything is provoked. And producers are going to say, Hannah, well, if you have feelings, you need to go tell them or whatever they want you. Speaker 2 00:09:41 She took it to a level should also have the integrity and respect for him because she did love him to say, I'm not going to do that to Peter. I know you want me to, but I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to mess this season up, mess his emotions up. I mean, there's, this is literally months ago. She dumped him not two years ago, literally like five or six months ago. So of course things are fresh for him. So I just think the whole thing was so unfair to him. I think it's gonna of course have long consequences into the next few episodes. And we're just so overhand that let's be honest. So over this with Dami and came onto bachelor in paradise, she went on dancing with the stars. Now here, she's making another appearance. She's getting dumped by Jed or dumping Jed and all of the things. Speaker 2 00:10:27 I mean, there's just too much at this point, Hannah have some self-respect and go back to Alabama. Yeah. Like take it for what it was and, and move on. You know, I thought Peter, he, well, first of all, I will be honest. I wasn't super excited about him being the bachelor. He's like, but that's a lot of how I feel and we get to know him. He's kinda just the nice kid next door, like cute right. Baby face. Right. Um, but I will say he looked super cute. He had an adorable group of girls. Yeah. Good options. I do think, I don't know. I, it made me like, look at him a little bit differently. Like he said, he should have sent her home to, through that whole conversation. It's not over. And so he might it's daily continued. And actually I do think he will, because I know she does not continue the season. Speaker 2 00:11:19 So I do think he might stand up for himself and just be like, Hannah, you did me dirty. And I'm not, I, you know, cause he had said, I wish you would have just said like, I want to come on your season. Can I? Or whatever. I, I kind of wanted you here, but now this, I just hope, I hope he turns her away. Yeah. That's what I see. It's to be continued. It's going to be a crazy one as usual, but Peter is adorable. Yes he is. So I'm also, uh, along the lines of just some headlines, there's some breaking news today about the Royals. And I just think we have to really quick pipe, this which Royals I don't know about. This is about Harry and Macon. They made their first public appearance for like two months yesterday. And today they've released this statement. Speaker 2 00:12:06 So let me really quick, just read a little blurb. We intend to step back as senior members of the Royal family and work to become financially independent. We now plan to be balanced our time between the United Kingdom and North America continue to continuing to honor our duty to the queen, the Commonwealth and our Patrion niches. Now I think kind of Whoa. I was like shocked when I read that I, what I hate about this is Megan is going to get ultimate backlash. And I do wonder who this is rooting from, but don't they already like they eat her life. And so part of me is like, is this Harry taking a stance for them as a family? And as a couple and saying, we're, we're stepping back. I don't want to do this. I didn't want to do this to my wife. I love her. Speaker 2 00:12:51 Or is this Megan saying, this is not what I signed up for. I'm not doing this, Harry, if you want this to work, we have to change things. We're changing what you're doing and I'm doing and that's, but both are alarming. But if Meghan is the root of this, I don't know. Part of me is like, Ooh girl, you knew what you were signing up for when you sewed married a Prince. So part of me is like, yes, it's like maybe not all you had planned, but there's a lot of opportunity there and kind of be a respectful life and support him. Yeah. Or is it Harry being the rebel he is and just doing something his way in differently and saying, no, I married this American beautiful, powerful woman. And I love her and we're going to do what works for us. So it's like, you never know. Speaker 2 00:13:36 It's kind of hard there they are. This power duo. I do like them, but I was really shocked to read this today. It'll be really telling about where they end up in North America. What part, what bird they settle in. Yeah. I don't know why I'm always jaded when people land in Hollywood to LA Diana, like totally. It just kind of alters your direction and there's like, and your intention and it happens countless times. So yeah, it will be interesting. She's a California girl though. So you never know. So that was really surprising. So we'll kind of have to see him follow along with Harry and Meghan. That's interesting. I didn't know. It was the first thing in two months. Yeah. They kind of stepped back for the holidays and they said that were, they were stepping back from our duties and they'd been Mia for quite a bit. Very interesting. Wow. Okay. Well, we're going to switch gears now. Yes. We kind of had to get our Hollywood talk out of the way. I know. I know. Well, but really quick. Did you watch the golden Globes monologue? Yeah, I did. I saw that she posted it last night. Um, yeah, crazy. I know many things, so many things. Your vase, Speaker 1 00:14:52 He's the mastermind behind the office and legit, I've never seen somebody get up there and he said he doesn't care. He did not care. He was in the faces in the audience. He was pretty much roasting the entire audience, which is kind of awesome. Tom Hanks. Like all of these people were just like, Oh my God, well tell them really quick. But at least, then that last statement, like it just literally was like the number one trending thing on YouTube yesterday. It was all over the place, his opening monologue and in his very last statement, he pretty much says, Hey, we all rode here in limousines. We take our private jets. He's pretty much saying like, we're all rich and we love a rich lifestyle. Please don't take the golden Globes as an opportunity to get up here. When you accept your award and give us some political statement. And he says, you have no right to tell the American people what to do. Right. To do that half of you didn't even go to school. Like all of this Speaker 3 00:15:53 Preach Ricky. I loved it. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:57 I mean, but amen. Right, right. Yeah. I have thought that so many times that they live such a privileged life and yet they tell us all how bad we are all the time, you know? And I'm like, have no idea where your mouth is, get off your private jet and go give it to the poor. You know what I mean? And so I was just like dying, dying when I saw that. And it was all over their night yesterday. So if you haven't watched it yet, we did put it on our IgE TV. You could go to our profile on Instagram and click on the IETV and you can see it there. So anyway, okay. Let's talk food storage. Yeah. And not food storage and the apocalypse <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:16:40 They, um, you know how you're putting it where you're putting in your food, groceries, food, storage, mistakes, and, and really, um, we might be doing things wrong and then long run that costs you a lot of money because things scale faster, they go bad. Um, things can start to, you know, right. And you can eat bad food. Things like that. Heaven forbid gets sick. Exactly. Oh my gosh. Okay. So I did my homework on this. Okay. And I'm going to tell you the top mistakes that we are all making. Um, number one, I want to know, do you keep your milk in the door of your fridge? That's a huge no-no does it not stay cold enough? It doesn't stay cold enough. It says you need to be storing your milk and all perishable items. So your eggs, um, your milks, like all the dairy type stuff. Speaker 1 00:17:31 It just to be in the very back part of your fridge and the coolest area. Okay. Well that makes total sense. And it's so funny. Cause I did, I went to the CDC, the center for disease control, the government website. I went to a lot of different like food websites and stuff. And that was on every single list. Have funny. Do they make those little milk shelves? You know, just, I know. I mean they're made for that. Are they not? I guess I don't do like they're perfect size. I know it takes right there. Okay. There you go. Do not store your milk in the door of your fridge. Okay. Next one. Do you store your food? I'm covered in the fridge. Never me either. I seen it done, but that is wildly unsafe. So don't ever just like get lazy about it and put leftovers or some kind of food open any food at all. Speaker 1 00:18:23 Even if it's like broccoli, like it will be, I mean, obviously it'll spoil probably faster, but is it like dangerous? It is. So I, when I was reading about this, there's a lot of gases that are emitted from different fruits and vegetables and while it might not be dangerous, you're just, um, so for example, is apples. Okay. I was going to say this one later, but I'll go ahead and talk about it here. I store my apples in a drawer in the fridge. I'm not in a plastic bag, just like dropped in there. Okay. Apparently you need to keep them in a plastic bag sealed up because apples emit this certain gas that makes other foods perish quicker. Okay. Interesting. Crazy. Specifically like lettuces and salad type things. Okay. This gas that the apples emit, make those things go back. Isn't that interesting? Oh my gosh. Speaker 1 00:19:19 So, so yeah, I think just to avoid like cross contamination, all of that always store things covered up, you know? Um, and then also you were telling me really quickly about a girl you follow on Instagram. I've mentioned her before home grown traditions. Yes. Tell me what she store. She did like an experiment. She did an experiment over like a few, like I think like a two week period of time with just berries and um, just to see what the best storage way was and what would last in protect your berries the longest. And she said that it is spring, seen it off, letting it dry and storing it in airtight containers in the fridge. So that's going to make it last and stay the best. Yeah, I would agree. That is like right in line with everything I researched, I would add on top of that, the experts say that it's best to store them in glass airtight containers. Speaker 1 00:20:16 How many glass? Like, yeah, weeper, wary type, like the Pyrex type stuff that has lids on it and stuff. Um, they say like the plastic ones obviously has more chemicals and stuff like that. Um, I think the plastic ones are fine, but what you don't want to store things in or the takeout containers, like the styrofoam containers and stuff like that because obviously they're not airtight and it makes your food go bad. So if you get like take out or something, don't store them, it would be best to store it in else. Yeah. Okay. Um, the other thing that was a really common one that I think maybe a lot of people don't know about. Did you know that when you're trying to put leftovers in like a Tupperware or a container to go in the fridge, you're supposed to let it cool down first, Speaker 2 00:21:03 Not put it in hot. Yeah. I did not know that, but that, I mean, and why is that? Speaker 1 00:21:08 Um, so it says there's like a safe temperature zone for food, more or less room temperature just to make sure like, it doesn't go bad. There's nothing weird with how it's being stored. So interesting. Right. Yeah. Kind of crazy. And then the last thing, um, in regards to like how we're storing our, um, our food is that you might be storing your produce the wrong way. Um, and specifically in regards to like tomatoes, potatoes, um, Oh my gosh. I just blanked onions. All of those. We're going to go into a little more detail on that. Okay. All right. So switching gears to the specific foods. Okay. And how you store them, what do you do with tomatoes in the fridge or out of the fridge? Speaker 2 00:21:54 In the fridge, but I don't think they go in the fridge. Do they don't go in the fridge. I do it too. Like I buy the cherry tomatoes in the fruits or whatever. I just like throw the bag in the grind. Yes. But it says Speaker 1 00:22:08 To keep them fresh, you need to put them on the counter and that in the fridge, they start to get Speaker 2 00:22:13 Amelie, texture. Tyna in fact they would die to prevent them from, I don't buy tomatoes that often, but I feel like it just gets called together and they get put in if I do so. But I mean, you think about the grocery store. I mean, that's probably a big hint of like what? I mean, I mean, berries, I guess aren't in the fridge area always, but like tomatoes, always just, Speaker 1 00:22:37 They are in the fridge. And another tip where tomatoes are concerned is it says, do not pile them in a bowl together if they go bad, because if one goes bad, it will affect all of the other ones. So kind of be on your produce. Um, okay. What about bread, Lauren? Have you ever put bread in the fridge Speaker 2 00:22:56 Know? See, I grew up not, I grew up putting it on the counter and in the pantry, I feel like my husband's on this kick that he thinks the fridge keeps everything better, longer. Well, educating George on the this, because, so he'll put the bread sometimes in the fridge and I hate that and I'll pull it back out and I don't like it or he'll put, he'll put a handful of things in the fridge just cause he thinks it's going to like keep it better. Speaker 1 00:23:20 Okay. Well let me stop you right there. It says sticking a loaf of bread in the fridge. Fridge will dry it out more quickly and it will become tough. Always cover and store at room temperature. I agree with that. Alright, there you go. We talked about butter. Um, and how butter does not have to go in the fridge, but I did want to say all of the research or all of the research. I, everything said that if you're going to leave it out at room temperature, you need to make sure and get the salted butter. Okay. Because that has it's higher in fat. And because of the salt, it's less likely to go bad as quick. They said, if you're doing unsalted butter, it's only like two or three days. You're supposed to leave it out. Whereas if it's salted, you've got like two to three weeks. Speaker 1 00:24:07 You can use it and have it like at room tab. Okay. Um, all right. All the condos. What do you think in or out? Definitely out, definitely out inside. Right? They will, it will just take a long time. Okay. So, and the other thing with avocados is you want to like segregate them from other things. Okay. Yes. Funny thing. Um, George or torch and I, Jeremy and I, I started to notice that our bananas were like getting so bright, really, really fast, like really fast. And we had this basket in our kitchen where we put all of our bananas and our like produce things that we don't put in the fridge. And we always have avocados, like always and Jeremy started researching this one day and it's because the two were sitting next to each other. The avocados were making our bananas go bad, but I can kind of see that. Speaker 1 00:25:02 So you have to split them up. Is that not the craziest thing that is crazy, you know, in a Brown bag. Yes, I do. I thought you were going to say maybe it was like in a certain material typed bowl that made it go right to fast. That is like a quick little to, or yeah, super interesting. But once the avocado is right, if you want to keep it good for a day or two, throw it in the fridge. Yeah. Okay. Moving to raw meat, obviously you're putting it in the fridge, but did you say potatoes or not yet? I do want to know about potatoes. You want me to jump on potatoes? Tell me about potatoes potatoes right now. I would like be prone to leaving them out. But again, that's something George keeps putting in the fridge and I'm like potato potatoes. I think he thinks it'll just stay better, longer, fresh, longer. Speaker 1 00:25:47 That is so funny. Absolutely. They do not go in the fridge. They do not get enough air circulation and um, well, okay. So they lumped in onions and potatoes together. Okay. And it says, absolutely. Don't put them in the fridge, do not put onions or potatoes in the fridge. Oh, I always put my eye. That's something I thought you'd do do now. You're treating them the same as potatoes. They need a lot of air circulation. Um, and they need to be stored in a cool dark place. So specifically for these two, you're not going to want to put them in a place. That's getting a ton of natural light. Okay. It's going to make him go bad quicker. So if you have like a pantry room or something, it said they can last for a really long time if they're stored, like in a dark cool pantry or basement. Speaker 1 00:26:39 Okay. So there you go with that. Um, let me jump back over to me cause okay. Just wanted to say really quick on how to store your raw meat. We obviously know it has to go in the fridge as soon as you, um, purchase it. But where do you think it goes within the fridge? Oh, is it a drawer? Does that supposed to go in a drawer? So it's kind of a trick question, but for safety, because we all know that like Rami is contaminated with all sorts of things, germs, um, you're going to want to put it on the very lowest spot. You can put it in your fridge, which is hilarious because I always put it at the very top. I don't know why maybe cause I can see it or I'm just sticking it in. There's like it's thin. And the top shelf is then I always put it at the top, but it says, um, like nine times out of 10, there's going to be some sort of like juice or something that emits from the packaging and it can cross contaminate your other stuff. Speaker 1 00:27:39 So you want to put it in the fridge at the lowest possible spot. Okay. And so how long can we leave it there? Okay. I knew you were going to ask me that. Give me just a minute. I've got turned my page. Have you ever had food poisoning? Um, I've had it once and I got it from a Rubio's burrito and it was horrible. I never had it. No, never. I'm like, I'm so paranoid about like salmonella and meats. So I just get so worried. So, Oh my gosh, food poisoning is the worst because it's like, it's literally, you can set your watch. It's like your body is on a vomit schedule because it's trying to get it out of your system. And I feel like it was like every 20 minutes I could tell. And it's like, you throw up and you feel better. Speaker 1 00:28:23 And then it's like, Nope, here we go again. Oh my God. It was just horrible. Okay. Let me, let me run through this really quick on the meats and how long they last. That's what you want to know. Okay. For poultry or for chicken? The raw poultry. It's only stays good for a day or two in the fridge. Okay. In the freezer. Listen to this. It's only up to a year. Okay. So they're advising you that when you buy me in bulk or your husband's a Hunter, you need to Mark the days. So you can go through periodically and pull out that bad stuff. That's been in there over a year, but I can't imagine ever having anything a lot long. Oh girl, I can, you've seen my freezer. I go crazy. No, you're the weirdo here. I went to Lauren's house one day and I opened her freezer drawer in her fridge. Speaker 1 00:29:11 You have nothing in there. I just feel like we fly through States. I don't stock up enough or we eat too much. I don't know. No, you're you're the anomaly here. I feel like most of us have freezers packed to the rim. Like, no she had like, you see the bottom of her. I don't know. I don't know why that is weird. I need to be better at stocking. Oh no, you don't. Jeremy gets so annoyed with me because he's like, we're wasting so much. We need to eat. What's in our freezer. You what's in the freezer. Oh, that's horrible. Okay. Red meat. It says it can remain in the frigerator for up to five days and can be frozen for four to 12 months. Okay. Yeah. Leftover red meat. Like that's been cooked. You only need to keep for three to four days. Okay. Um, what about ground meats? So this is like ground beef, ground pork, ground Turkey. Was that before like steaks. So that's like a cut. So this is like ground beef for ground Turkey. You've only got one or two days with that after you buy it. Okay. After you buy it in the fridge, in the fridge, you've got one or two days. Okay. This one. Holy crap. It blew my mind. Cause I need to go through some stuff away. Okay. Hot dogs, hot dogs and lunch meats. How long do you think they stay? Good. Speaker 2 00:30:34 Well, if the dates are on there, on those types of things, cause they were like more processed, but like what? Like two weeks. Speaker 1 00:30:40 Okay. Two weeks. Yes. You're good. Two weeks in the fridge, but I think I've had hot dogs that are like six months. Speaker 2 00:30:48 They still look good. They're definitely not gonna, Oh my gosh. Speaker 1 00:30:52 So I need to go throw those away. And then that says, obviously if they've been opened, you've only got three to five days with that. Okay. And this one too. I'm super guilty of what about bacon? How long do you think bacon stays from me? I don't want to say it's. I wouldn't, I wouldn't cook bacon. In my opinion. If it's been in my fridge for longer than four days, it's a week and I have cooked bacon. That's been in my fridge for like two months Speaker 2 00:31:21 Serious. You never thought, Oh, I need to freeze that. That's like raw meat. No, I really, I don't, I I'm like not intelligent when it comes to stop. I just, I get, I guess I get so just worried. I'm weird. Like I've never been, like I said, sick from food, but I just get stressed. Speaker 1 00:31:40 Oh my gosh. Well see, I was always raised, I was kind of raised to kind of judge it by color and smell. And so if the color looks normal and it smells okay, I'm eating it, Speaker 2 00:31:50 Natural those, but that's exactly. Think about what you just said. Bacon sandwich, meat and hot dogs all have been like processing preserves. So they're not going to do what like a raw piece of chicken would do. So I mean, which is the sad truth or you've heard that story, right? Well, not story, but like, um, experiment again, like if you put a piece of cheese pizza on the counter and you put a piece of bread or banana or whatever, it's disturbing to watch like the banana or the bread or something like, like a produce item, how it rots and declines. We're cheese pizza will look the same for about three months. Like that's the saturation, but for like three weeks, it won't change. And that just goes to show how much like junk is in like processed or processed food period. Speaker 1 00:32:40 Like I heard a girl put her diet. She's like, if it's not fresh and it won't, if it won't, if it won't go bad within a week on the counter, she's not wanting her body and think because bread will last for a few days, but it doesn't last much longer than a week. It can kind of get moldy or, you know, like maybe what is that pizza doing inside my body? I know exactly. It kind of is a little funky perspective to think, or just to think what you're eating yet. Like I could eat, you could put a fishy Cracker bowl of fishy crackers on the counter and it would look the same for about six months. But if you put an Apple or even try to think of something like eating anything, that's like fresh food. I mean, that's gone in bad in three, four days, you know something. Speaker 1 00:33:24 So my goal, I know it's kind of disturbing when you think about disturbing. Well the last food item that I have to kind of talk about, um, well really quick. Let me talk about bananas. I know we kind of talked about it in relation to the avocados, but a lot of people put them in the fridge, my inlaws do this. They they're under the impression, the grocery store when they start to go Brown or why they think that they will like ripen. I don't do that well. Yeah, but I'm saying some people do they like slowly think they're going to ripe it in the fridge, but it's not best to do that. To extend their shelf life here. This cover the top of the stems with a tight plastic wrap. Oh, okay. Some come with that. Yeah. Maybe I need to keep that on there. So do that. Keep the saran wrap like on top of the bananas and if you have too many that are ripe instead of, um, putting them in the fridge, separate them, you're going to want to pill the right ones and put them in the freezer. Oh yeah. For like smoothies or something. Yeah. Peeling it that's smart. Oh my gosh. No, I have done. Speaker 3 00:34:30 Yeah. I just threw it away. So I saw this girl, Instagram, like bananas, frozen bananas from the freezer, throw it in the freezer and I get it out this way. I'm like, Hey, that can't get the rocket science. I know. That's so true. Totally that too. Speaker 1 00:34:50 Peel the bananas before freezing them. Okay. And my last food item, I know of beat you down hard here in this episode with helps with how bad we're storing our food hard cheese. Okay. Hard cheese, hard cheese. And what I mean by that is like your cheddar, um, or like a block of good cheese, like a Parmesan block or something like that. Um, to store it correctly. Well, tell me this. Do you leave it in the wrapping? It comes in. If I open it and it's exposed and I put it in like a Ziploc, but like, yeah, I'll leave it. Speaker 3 00:35:27 What do you do? Like Speaker 1 00:35:29 Kind of eerie kind of re wrap it in the round thing and put it in the draw. Like if any bit of cheeses exposing, it's like kind of hard, you know, I didn't know this, you know, you don't want that little bit. And you're like <inaudible> and months and months. Sure. But it says to, to store it correctly, you need to come take it out of the store, wrapping, wrap it in wax paper. Definitely don't do that. Here's the next step. Put it in an air, tight container, back to the container container that will preserve the cheese, cheeses, texture, and extend the lifespan. See, I need to get some better Tupperware. I had just some random ones and small ones. I need to get bigger ones and have a lot more available so I can do that. I have a lot of it. Oh crap. And there were a few others I have to talk to you about super nuts. Speaker 1 00:36:19 Okay. Oh, I have a bag of Costco almonds that I leave in my pantry and I snack on for months and months and months and months blew my mind when I found out that that bag is only good for two weeks. Once it's opened Oh one, two weeks. Okay. I can eat Nate. Eight month old, nuts out there supposed to put it in the frame. You're supposed to put nuts in the fridge. And how long does it last from there? Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. A lot, lot longer. Holy crap. I'm not talking about, I'm not talking about the individually sealed bags of like trail mix or nuts or something like that. That's different. But in bowl, once it is exposed to air, you need to eat it or put it in the fridge for it to last long. That was crazy. And for all of the sauces. Speaker 1 00:37:05 So like the hot sauce, the ketchup, the mustard, the soy sauce, all of that does not need to go in the fridge. Oh, right. Because think about it. And one of it, one of these things said that all of your favorite burger restaurants they have behind sitting out on the table, it does not need to go in the fridge. That's so true. So it said free up some of your valuable fridge space and put it in the pantry. It will have a bed can't even no, but don't you cold put ketchup. I hate cold. Catch-up Gaz. All of this is so true. You just like don't you don't think about it, but we're trying to bring knowledge here on the models. So there you go. I was just like, the nut thing literally blew my mind. I was like, I have had that open bag of nuts that I just reach into. Speaker 1 00:37:52 I was like, that's crazy. That is crazy. It is crazy to think of like how often you, yeah. You do something stupid. Like George with homemade salsa, he gets so paranoid. Like we had a bunch of salts over the holidays. And if it's like older than four, three or four days, he's like, I'm not eating that. And I'm like, I agree age, but he's like, no, it's like fresh tomatoes and it's been sitting. No, I'm not. No, I agree with that. And I should clarify the hot sauce because Texans call salsa hot sauce. So I should clarify that when I said the hot sauce, doesn't go on Tabasco. I'm talking about, I'm not talking about fully homemade, tall size, exactly. Like a jar of, you know, random store bought Speaker 2 00:38:36 Salsa goes bad equally fast once you open it or is it just kind of more of the homemade stuff? Cause the jar stuff I have to assume has preserved it. So then it's like, again, that's the depressing part you think? Oh yeah, it's good for this long because that's crapping it. But that stuff, it does say follow the label directions. Then I do do that. Keep refrigerated, obviously refrigerate it, all of that stuff. A lot of this was geared towards like more produce things that we all kind of just do what we were raised on, you know? Yes. And yeah. And definitely reading those dates. I always I'm very like concerned about those dates. So I'm like, well, they just don't go to bat and we had two bites of it. Shoot. No, I got to throw it out. So I found a really cool like infographic on one of the websites I was looking at, I'm going to be posting that throughout the week. Speaker 2 00:39:22 So people can kind of just have like a quick snapshot of what we need to be doing. But really, I mean the story, the big messages, you know, as annoying as it is, I think I'm going to stop buying so much in bulk because I think things are going bad ass where we can get to it. Yes. You know what I mean? And then also a lot of that stuff that we're putting in the fridge produce wise, a lot of it can be shifted out and you don't have to use it that spoon. I know those things. Yeah. Okay. Well there you go. That's you've got to take advantage. This was way good food, mistakes that we're making. I'm sure if you're anything like me, we are definitely, I'm trying to get better here in the new year, new produce and lots of lean meat. Speaker 2 00:40:06 So this is very applicable. Yeah, totally. Okay. Well, let's wrap up with our hits and misses of the week. What is your hit? Um, I just gonna pipe on with my head of being the puppy. Gus. I haven't mentioned a little while and I just feel like overall, I feel like it's going really well. Like I just did not know what to expect. I mean, what has it been? I don't know, six weeks or so. And I think, you know, he's a good dog and he's getting big, he's getting big so quick. Um, we're dealing with puppy stuff, you know, he'll get something he wants to chew on it. We just try to stay really on top of things. And if he's inside, we just watch him still for any accidents, but he's really doing really good and we really are having fun with them. Speaker 2 00:40:53 Who has he bonded with the most? Oh, that's tricky. I would say Caleb, just, just cause he spends most time with him and Kayla will just like, it's so funny when he's like on the beanbag, he'll just grab him, grab his own neck and he'll hold it. Like he'll watch this little show and on the tablet or whatever and he'll hold his little hot head in his arm. And like, I, that probably hurts him. He's really not covered. It's okay know, so yeah, probably Caleb, but they all George actually does so well with him too. Jordan is always the one kind of burning his energy or going for a quick walk with them. So totally my miss of the week is I successfully your hate? Speaker 1 00:41:34 Yes, that's great. I successfully gave all three of my children haircuts yesterday. I sure did. That's awesome. I put them in my shower. That's so cool. I did all three. They got a dumb, dumb sucker and I saved myself. What? 60 bucks? No 50 bucks, maybe 50, 40 bucks for sure. So awesome. And I just want to say I have zero training in this and I kind of have taught myself over the years. I get my scissors at Sally's and do my thing. I will say, I think it's a little bit trickier weirdly enough, doing my daughter's hair, which is straight across because trying to just cut it because it's straight. Oh my gosh. I was trying to get a straight line on semi curly hair on a child. I'm like stop moving. <inaudible> Speaker 2 00:42:28 You have the curly, you have a lot of forgiveness. It's not like a blunt street, you know, it will hide. So you're totally, that's awesome. That's so good. I need you to do that. My miss is all along the lines of groceries and produce. I literally, right before I came to get you for bachelor and like unloading the groceries and it was like, it was like slow motion. Like I had these two milks and I was thinking, okay, push those back. Cause they're going to fall. Don't say yes. And Billy was outside. They milk the milk of a full gallon fell and cracked. And it was just all over the driveway. And I was like, shoot, shoot, shoot. So on. You know, thankfully, but it just like covered. I mean, and it was like slow motion. Like I said, I like looked at it and it's like blue, blue, blue, blue, like gulping everywhere. And I'm like, Oh my gosh. So I grabbed it. We like salvage maybe a fourth of it, but it was like everywhere and trying to just like rinse it into like, Speaker 1 00:43:26 Oh my gosh, well I had kind of a milk incident too. Over the break. We, I still use sippy cups obviously for my little guy. And um, I had on a brand new, I never wear white. Okay. Never wear white. I bought a brand new white made well button up shirt. And I had this shirt on for the first time ever. And we were coming home, putting my little one to bed. My husband hands me the sippy cup with milk. I don't know what happened. He didn't screw the lid on or something. It spilled all over my new white made wall shirt. Well, at least it's milk. It's white, but it stained it still like a Milky color. I was in a white shirt. I was ticked. It was like a creamy color. And so I'm up there spraying Oxyclean on it. I did that one round and it kind of dried and I'm still seeing spots. Speaker 1 00:44:18 And I was, and so I told him, take this to the dry cleaners and he, he thought I was overreacting. I'm like, no, this is my brand new shirt. Did it come out? It's at the dry cleaner, we'll see fingers crossed, but milk is just like worst. Oh, okay. Well my mess of the week, it's funny enough. This is random is my Luke and his dairy products. Well, who's that right? There was no kidneys as a note. Yeah. Um, I just feel so I don't think I've talked about it much here, but my youngest is really sensitive to dairy and he has never been able to have like whole milk or anything like that. We've had to do the almond milk. Um, and I just feel like I'm getting really lazy as he gets older. I used to be so diligent about like watching the cheese intake and watching all the dairy things, but I'm just so lazy now. Speaker 1 00:45:04 And I let him have the yogurts and the cheeses and all of it. And he just pays for it so bad when it comes to using the bathroom. And I just feel it was my mom fell. He had like such a constipation problem this past week and it just, it breaks my heart. And I'm like, I let you down here, buddy. I'm sorry. Jerry is the devil to you. And I know it is the devil for me too, when it comes to even just like my diet. It's like, I love cheese and I do yogurt, ice cream and milk to drink milk. And it is as I get older, you know, it's just not the calories I need to be dairy is my least favorite thing in the food groups. I by far go for the sugar over any of that. So anyway. Okay, well that is it. Speaker 1 00:45:49 You guys, um, we are happy. You're here with us. Like we said, if you haven't yet, make sure you jump over and hit the subscribe button. So you're getting the updates when we do publish new content. Um, and then you can find us on social media at the mom boys podcast. I am not on Facebook a lot. Lauren's on there sometimes, but we're on Instagram quite a bit. Right. So you can find us and chat with us there. And then if you don't mind, please leave us a rating and review and we'd appreciate that. Thanks for tuning in guys. All right. Bye. Bye.

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