Breaking Down "Mom Brain" and the Biology Behind It!

Episode 64 June 01, 2020 00:54:23
Breaking Down "Mom Brain" and the Biology Behind It!
The Mom Voice
Breaking Down "Mom Brain" and the Biology Behind It!

Jun 01 2020 | 00:54:23


Hosted By

Sarah Bones Lauren Willis

Show Notes

Jun. 1, 2020 - In the episode the girls breakdown the phenomenon that is MOM BRAIN… and yes it's a real thing! The girls recall on their individual experiences - starting with "pregnancy brain" and all the the forgetful and spacey feelings that they had during those early parenting days. And let’s be real, there’s still many of those kind of days!!

Sarah shares some fascinating research that has been done in the scientific community that provides proof that what we call “mom brain” is actually due to some changes that occur to a mother’s brain activity during motherhood. It’s very obvious that “mom brain” is a true thing and that it actually happens - which validates all mamas in all the right ways! They even discuss how a mother's brain works throughout the early years with kids, discussing the true aspect of love at first sight.

The girls close out the show with their classic hits and misses. Lauren shares the story behind a scary car accident she had recently and Sarah shares the urgency she has to get her 2019 taxes sent in!

Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday - so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo

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