HOT TAKES: Is School Forever Changed?! Contagion & Common Signs of Aging

Episode 63 May 24, 2020 00:55:52
HOT TAKES: Is School Forever Changed?! Contagion & Common Signs of Aging
The Mom Voice
HOT TAKES: Is School Forever Changed?! Contagion & Common Signs of Aging

May 24 2020 | 00:55:52


Hosted By

Sarah Bones Lauren Willis

Show Notes

May 24, 2020 - In this episode the girls bring back the HOT TAKES format and discuss current events that are happening at the moment. This past week the CDC released Guidelines for reopening schools and the girls share their initial thoughts and opinions of what it all means and what it may look like for our children. They speak openly about their views on the reopening and share what might be dealbreakers for them if certain things get taken away from the public school environments. Would you consider homeschooling if school looked drastically different for our kids? It’s by far the most political show thus far as you hear the two girls discuss what it’s like for them to process all of the changes that have come as a result of the Coronavirus. 

They then share an older movie that they watched this week which can only be described as “FREAKY” in how much it portrays what we’re all going through right now. They chat all about the comparisons to today’s Coronavirus world and the crazy foreshadowing that occurs in this film.

 The topic then switches gears to a lighter note as the girls discuss the recent viral photos of 70 year old Vera Wang and the fountain of youth that she’s clearly found! They candidly share what they think are the most common signs of aging and what they’ve seen personally on themselves. Sarah opens up about a cosmetic procedure she’s considering and they wrap up the show with their hits and misses of the week - which include Lauren’s first excursion post-Quarantine and Sarah’s epic miss which was a first for her!

Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday - so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo

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