Sept. 7, 2020 - In this episode the girls dive into their labor and delivery stories for Labor Day. They hit on the new Walmart Plus service that's being released and share their opinions of it and how it compares to Amazon Prime.
Lauren kicks off the discussion by sharing the unique delivery of her twins, which had lots of drama (delivering one vaginally and one by c-section). Sarah shares about her three inductions and how all her deliveries were similar and routine.
The girls touch on who they wanted in the delivery room and how they are pro-epidural, even though Sarah had a rough one on her last pregnancy! Lot's of differences but both ladies still really enjoyed their delivery experiences - it's one of Sarah's favorite parts of having babies! They close out the show with their hits and misses of the week. Lauren has been liking the keto diet while Sarah has seen a huge change in the home since her Kindergartner started in-person school!
Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday – so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo
Jul. 5th, 2021 – In this episode, the ladies sit down together after a brief hiatus and have a big chat about PMS! Though...
Nov. 16, 2020 - In this episode, the girls chat with Al Carraway author of Wildly Optimistic and the Tattooed Mormon. Al is a...