Our Spine-Chilling Stories, Fun Facts & Bizarre Halloween Laws

Episode 35 October 28, 2019 01:00:36
Our Spine-Chilling Stories, Fun Facts & Bizarre Halloween Laws
The Mom Voice
Our Spine-Chilling Stories, Fun Facts & Bizarre Halloween Laws

Oct 28 2019 | 01:00:36


Hosted By

Sarah Bones Lauren Willis

Show Notes

Oct. 28, 2019 – In this episode the girls start off by going over some fun Halloween facts to share with the kiddos! They then run down some of the country’s most bizarre laws around Halloween. Some of them might surprise you!

Lauren shares the story of how she met her husband at a party on Halloween night and they then get into some of their scariest stories. Lauren tells a spooky story that lives on in her husband’s family and Sarah shares an unsolved mystery that occurred in her hometown of Gilmer, Texas in 1992. It’s the story of Kelly Wilson. A 17 year old girl who went missing one day, her disappearance is still felt in the community and there are many spine-chilling facts about the case that are just hard to forget! The girls then wrap up with this week’s hits and misses!

Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at www.mom-voice.com for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday – so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo

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