Nov. 18, 2019 – In this episode the girls open the show with a game of This or That around the new Disney+ streaming platform! They give a rundown of what’s including, how much it cost and mention some goodies you probably haven’t heard of in a while!
They then move on to Thanksgiving and how it really isn’t getting the love it deserves these days with everyone moving on to Christmas so early! Lauren shares some fun ideas to do with the family on Thanksgiving Day, from a Turkey Trot to her original Tackle the Turkey game! She also mentions some good Humanitarian Aid ideas to get the kids involved with.
They then move into talking about Sleep Training - and the importance of finding what works for you. Sarah, the self-proclaimed Sleep Guru, shares some of her top tips on sleep training and what worked well for all 3 of her children! They talk a lot about scheduling and how beneficial it was for their families. They talk about the freedoms sleep training provides and talk about some of the most common pit-falls that parents run into. They then wrap up the episode with their weekly Hits & Misses! Books referenced in the Episode: “On Becoming Babywise”, “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child”, “The Wonder Weeks”.
Thanks so much for tuning in! Follow the girls on Instagram @themomvoicepodcast or find them at for all details, saving codes and items mentioned throughout the show. New episodes released every Monday – so make sure to SUBSCRIBE! xo
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Jan. 13, 2020 – In this episode the girls kick off with a quick review of the season premiere of The Bachelor. With former...
Nov. 1st, 2021 – In this week’s episode, the ladies welcome Jenny Komenda – design influencer and owner of Juniper Print Shop. Jenny grew...