Feb. 7th, 2022 – In this week’s episode, the ladies bring lots of fun and interesting chat. They kick off the episode by breaking down a TV show they’re into at the moment – which leads to a little celebrity gossip. You know they love their pop culture!! Lauren gives an update on her half marathon training as it’s fast approaching. Sarah and Lauren then dive into the episode’s subject – Encanto! Specifically, following an article where a therapist breaks down why we should be talking about Bruno. The ladies go through the characters of the popular movie Encanto, and talk about how we can see those personality types in our own families. It’s a fun but serious conversation about family dynamics. They close out with their hits and misses of the week Lauren’s family makes a big purchase and Sarah shares a super sweet moment with her toddler.
Thanks so much for tuning in – make sure to FOLLOW THE PODCAST wherever you listen, we’re back every week with fresh content just for you!
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