Apr. 18th, 2022 – In this week’s episode, the ladies sit down with a fun starter, chatting about what their favorite app is on their phone. What app do you use most? They also break down the latest celebrity gossip with Bennifer getting engaged – laughing about the re-emergence of so many 2000’s icons. It’s a funny one, with Ben, Jen, Jen, Brad, Jen… They then dive into talking about their favorite cleaning products – sharing a very thorough list. Sarah shares her go-to mulitcleaner, the products she uses to remove dog stains & so much more. They debunk some major laundry detergent myths, and they find out that they’re using way too much detergent. If you have a favorite cleaning product that they didn’t share, go DM them @themomvoicepodcast on IG so they can share! They close out with their weekly hits and misses – Lauren took the kids on a hike and Sarah’s daughter getting a sweet accolade from her teacher!
Thanks so much for tuning in – make sure to FOLLOW THE PODCAST wherever you listen, we’re back every week with fresh content just for you!
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