Jan. 9th, 2023 – In this week’s episode, the ladies kick off the show talking online fashion. Lauren has had some great successes with Walmart recently and they both love to shop Amazon. Do you ever catch a good buy on there? They then dive into the Idaho murders and the university students killed in their apartment. They talk about how an arrest was recently made and make some speculations of their own. It’s a true crime headline that they haven’t addressed yet on the pod. Lauren talks about a new show she recently watched and Sarah talks a book that she just started reading. She shares how it’s been enlighenting to her and how it’s speaking right to their souls. As yo-yo dieters, both ladies are always watching the scale. So, Sarah feels like this book really speaks truth to a healthy relationship with food. Something both women would love to work on. They then close out the show with their weekkly hits and misses. Lauren talks about getting back to the gym and how a year ago she was training for her half marathon. And Sarah’s hit of cleaning out the garage!
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In this Halloween-week episode of the Mom Voice, the ladies are talking about their fascination with true crime. Why we’re all intrigued by crime...
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